Statement issued on Al-Emarah, the Taliban's propaganda website:
Ameer Al-Mu'meneen Mullah Mohammad Omar Mujahid about the pleasure of Eid
Eid Mubarak to the whole Muslims Ummah
In The Name of Allah The Most Gracious, The Most Merciful
All Praise and thanks are due to Allah, the Lord of all that exists and may
peace and prayers be upon the Messenger of Allah, his family, companions in
Assalmualeikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuhu
To the Mujahideen and holy warriors (ghazeyan) who spend their days and
nights in protecting Islam and Muslims, I pray to Allah that He may accept your
worships and hardships which you had endure in the Holy month of Ramazan
It is in people's knowledge that Eid has arrived in such a time when
Afghanistan and Afghans people are engulfing in a war perpetuated by America and
its allies. Everyday and night our youths are martyred, our women are widowed,
our elders are insulted and our women and children are being pushed into the
valleys of death, because thousand kilograms weighted bombs are being dropped
on our houses, mosques and fields under the cloak of democracy which is
nothing but America and its allies hypocrisy.
America has tried it best to lead stray and deceive our people, especially
women and children under the name of democracy, women rights and westerns
immoral ideologies. But on the other side the revitalization of Jihad by which
the punishment that is being inflicted by Afghan Mujahideen and Muhajareen
Mujahideen on the invaders and its puppet government has forced America and its
allies to admit that the invasion of Afghans homeland was a historical error
and their destiny is defeat in Afghanistan (Inshallaah).
It is the efforts of Afghans jihad (resistance) which has displayed such
gallantry and proficiency in the battlefield forcing the America and its allies
to negotiate with the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan because they have
recognize that without negotiation it is impossible for them to find a way to
leave Afghanistan with some dignity in front of the world.
Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan during its rule had tried to protect national
interest and provided a peaceful life for its countrymen and at the same
time respected others who had respected Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan which was
governed under the Islamic constitution. But America and its allies who
invaded our homeland for the purpose of bring democracy to Afghanistan with MK82
500-lb bombs, B-52 bombers and BLU-82 Daisy Cutter bombs, each weighing
15,000 lbs thinking that this way they will be able to make Afghans their slaves.
Through their actions the whole world has witness their barbarism, cruelty
and massacres. The civilize citizens of the world have watched them martyr
innocent people of Afghanistan, Iraq and in other parts of the world and their
supporting of totalitarian governments.
Peace loving population of the world is disenchanted and distressed by the
destruction which America has brought to the world and its inhabitants,
history has shown wherever America has entered with the slogans of democracy, peace
and stability those places have been decimate.
Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan still remain steadfast in its strategies and
wants from American and its allies to stop promulgating their satanic
politics and the incursion in the lives of Afghans by withdraw their forces from
Afghanistan as a respect to the people of Afghanistan and respect to liberty,
so the people of Afghanistan can again live in peace.
Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan desires that its neighboring countries should
help Afghans to drive western forces from Afghanistan as they did during the
time of Soviet Union invasion. They should not provide any kind of support
by recognizing that American foreign policies are a danger to the whole
Finally I pay tribute and congratulate those who have lost their loved ones,
such as sons, brothers, husbands, fathers and relatives for the protection
of Islam and Muslims and may Allah provide us an Islamic constitution in
exchange for martyr holy blood (Ameen). Finally we request Mujahideen to be humble
in their victories, should spread brotherhood and love, must accept commands
of elders and have compassionate attitude towards the civilians especially
during combat action.
Eid Mubarak for all,
Walaikum Assalam Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuhu
Serviceman of Islam, Mullah Mohammad Omar