Wednesday, October 17, 2007


Fourteen troops from the NATO-led force in Afghanistan were wounded in a Taliban ambush southwest of the capital Kabul, a spokesman for the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) said on Monday.
The troops came under fire during a patrol in the province of Wardak, immediately southwest of Kabul, on Sunday. The troops called in air support, but there was no word on Taliban casualties and no reports that any civilians had been hurt in the fighting, the spokesman said.

in a separate incident, Three Afghan civilians were killed when international war planes bombed an area outside Kabul during a fierce battle with Taliban rebels, provincial police said.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel plans to visit Afghanistan to get a first-hand picture on the situation in the country; however no date has been set for the trip.
The chancellor faced harsh criticism by the opposition Greens for her failure to visit German NATO-led troops in Afghanistan Green party leader Renate Kuenast said a Merkel trip to the war-ravaged country was "overdue".
As expected, German lawmakers voted last week in favor of extending the controversial Afghan military mandate for another year.
Some 453 legislators approved renewing the mission, while 79 opposed it and 48 abstained.
The new mandate allows the deployment of up to 3,500 soldiers in Afghanistan and will primarily focus on northern Afghanistan and the Kabul region.

British officials are concerned an influx of U.S. military contractors in Afghanistan's Helmand Province could disrupt their plans there.
With British officials focusing on gaining the support of regional citizens, they have suggested the planned arrival of additional U.S. military contractors could serve as a bitter reminder of the Blackwater scandal in Iraq, The Independent reported Sunday.

"The worry is that there will be a blast, and some contractors will panic and open fire, as happened with Blackwater in Baghdad. That is the very last thing that Helmand needs at the moment," one unidentified diplomat said of the plan.

The U.S. personnel are coming to Helmand Province as part of a reconstruction project in the war-torn region, but at least one of the military companies has already earned a bad reputation there.
The British newspaper said resentment against DynCorp is already in place throughout the province due to the contractor's involvement in an earlier eradication campaign against the region's opium poppy crop.

RSF report

RSF new report is concerning about Afghanistan than ever before. The report outlines some major threats to free expression. The government’s adoption of a third press law gives a relatively liberal framework for media development, in a country governed by Sharia. But parliament, in particular the Wolesi Jirga (lower house) which is dominated by the conservatives, has drawn up a list of reactionary amendments. The Religious and Cultural Affairs Commission has increased references to Islamic principles and banned publication of news contrary to stability, national security and territorial integrity. The draft law which could go before parliament at the beginning of 2007 includes a ban on promotion via the press on any religion other than Islam.


The top of the list was dominated by European countries, which made up 18 of the top 20, the others being New Zealand (15th) and Trinidad and Tobago (19th). Iceland and Norway were voted joint top, with Estonia and Slovakia sharing third place. But last year's joint leader, the Netherlands, fell to 12th place after two journalists were held in custody for two days for refusing to reveal their sources to the judicial authorities. In another black mark for Europe, Bulgaria (51st) and Poland (56th) were identified as the continent's "bad boys", the only EU countries outside the top 50. RSF compiled the index by sending a questionnaire to 15 freedom of expression organisations, its network of 130 correspondents, and to journalists, researchers, jurists and human rights activists. The survey contained 50 questions about press freedom.



Monday, October 15, 2007

kite runner

The movie has been delayed until after the xmas for security concerns for the boy who took part in the movie. See the thriller at

mullah omar eid message

Statement issued on Al-Emarah, the Taliban's propaganda website:

Ameer Al-Mu'meneen Mullah Mohammad Omar Mujahid about the pleasure of Eid

Eid Mubarak to the whole Muslims Ummah

In The Name of Allah The Most Gracious, The Most Merciful

All Praise and thanks are due to Allah, the Lord of all that exists and may
peace and prayers be upon the Messenger of Allah, his family, companions in

Assalmualeikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuhu

To the Mujahideen and holy warriors (ghazeyan) who spend their days and
nights in protecting Islam and Muslims, I pray to Allah that He may accept your
worships and hardships which you had endure in the Holy month of Ramazan

It is in people's knowledge that Eid has arrived in such a time when
Afghanistan and Afghans people are engulfing in a war perpetuated by America and
its allies. Everyday and night our youths are martyred, our women are widowed,
our elders are insulted and our women and children are being pushed into the
valleys of death, because thousand kilograms weighted bombs are being dropped
on our houses, mosques and fields under the cloak of democracy which is
nothing but America and its allies hypocrisy.

America has tried it best to lead stray and deceive our people, especially
women and children under the name of democracy, women rights and westerns
immoral ideologies. But on the other side the revitalization of Jihad by which
the punishment that is being inflicted by Afghan Mujahideen and Muhajareen
Mujahideen on the invaders and its puppet government has forced America and its
allies to admit that the invasion of Afghans homeland was a historical error
and their destiny is defeat in Afghanistan (Inshallaah).

It is the efforts of Afghans jihad (resistance) which has displayed such
gallantry and proficiency in the battlefield forcing the America and its allies
to negotiate with the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan because they have
recognize that without negotiation it is impossible for them to find a way to
leave Afghanistan with some dignity in front of the world.

Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan during its rule had tried to protect national
interest and provided a peaceful life for its countrymen and at the same
time respected others who had respected Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan which was
governed under the Islamic constitution. But America and its allies who
invaded our homeland for the purpose of bring democracy to Afghanistan with MK82
500-lb bombs, B-52 bombers and BLU-82 Daisy Cutter bombs, each weighing
15,000 lbs thinking that this way they will be able to make Afghans their slaves.

Through their actions the whole world has witness their barbarism, cruelty
and massacres. The civilize citizens of the world have watched them martyr
innocent people of Afghanistan, Iraq and in other parts of the world and their
supporting of totalitarian governments.

Peace loving population of the world is disenchanted and distressed by the
destruction which America has brought to the world and its inhabitants,
history has shown wherever America has entered with the slogans of democracy, peace
and stability those places have been decimate.

Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan still remain steadfast in its strategies and
wants from American and its allies to stop promulgating their satanic
politics and the incursion in the lives of Afghans by withdraw their forces from
Afghanistan as a respect to the people of Afghanistan and respect to liberty,
so the people of Afghanistan can again live in peace.

Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan desires that its neighboring countries should
help Afghans to drive western forces from Afghanistan as they did during the
time of Soviet Union invasion. They should not provide any kind of support
by recognizing that American foreign policies are a danger to the whole

Finally I pay tribute and congratulate those who have lost their loved ones,
such as sons, brothers, husbands, fathers and relatives for the protection
of Islam and Muslims and may Allah provide us an Islamic constitution in
exchange for martyr holy blood (Ameen). Finally we request Mujahideen to be humble
in their victories, should spread brotherhood and love, must accept commands
of elders and have compassionate attitude towards the civilians especially
during combat action.

Eid Mubarak for all,

Walaikum Assalam Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuhu

Serviceman of Islam, Mullah Mohammad Omar