Sunday, August 19, 2007

The New York Times' recent piece on Afghanistan

The New York Times‘ recent piece on Afghanistan sparked a follow-up at the Informed Comment Global Affairs blog by Barnett Rubin, a well-known expert on Afghanistan. While Rubin mostly praises the Times‘ effort, he argues that they have missed at least two things: the limited accomplishments that came as a result of the UN’s presence in Afghanistan and how the Bush administration’s ideological blinders exacerbated the problems of nation-building following the invasion.


Saturday, August 18, 2007

german woman kidnapped

Several gunmen interred a restaurant and kidnapped a german woman. one of the men went inside BBQ tonight. Two assailants waited outside, while another waited in a parked gray Toyota Corolla.

The man in the restaurant then pulled out a pistol, walked up to a table where the woman was sitting with her boyfriend, and took her away. The boyfriend is unharmed, the restaurant owner called the police and another run after the car.


BBQ tonight is a new fast food restaurant in karti sai. The restaurant is opposite to some warlord house so there is always some armed guards outside on watch. The road from restaurant leads to an immediate roundabout where always at least four cops are on the watch. BBQ tonight is 300 feet away from 3rd district police station. Police, alerted to the kidnapping, spotted the speeding car and opened fire, but instead hit a nearby taxi and killed its driver.


The German woman abducted Saturday worked for a small, nonaffiliated Christian organization called Ora International.

Based in the central German town of Korbach, north of Frankfurt, the group is active in 30 countries around the world and concentrates its efforts in Afghanistan on health issues and HIV/AIDS awareness, the group said on its Web site.


U.N. staff in Kabul, meanwhile, were told Saturday afternoon to remain in their locations. All foreigners were also placed under tight security. There was a big panic in foreign community this afternoon. Some were stuck in restaurants and swimming pools or yoga clubs and gems since Saturday is a day off for them. this is certainly scary for the foreign community. This is the first kidnapping in Kabul city after two years. as Taliban changes their tactics and criminal groups find better methods of earning, foreigners and aid workers are worried about their security. Once the method is in place the security measures won’t make much difference, an Englishman was shot dead and then rubbed close to American embassy and NATO headquarter, the part of town with heighten security.






new deputy special representative

UN Secretary-General Ban ki-Moon has appointed Bo Asplund of Sweden as his Deputy Special Representative for Afghanistan. Asplund will also serve as the UN resident coordinator, as well as the UN humanitarian coordinator in Afghanistan. Currently, Bo Asplund is the United Nations resident and humanitarian coordinator and the UNDP resident representative in Indonesia, a post he has held since 2001. Asplund has also served as deputy assistant administrator of UNDP’s Regional Bureau for Arab States at the organization’s headquarters in New York, UNDP Sr. Dy Resident Representative in Sudan, and UN Resident Coordinator and UNDP Resident Representative in Algeria.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

دستگیری یک فرمانده شبکه تروریستی طالبان با هفت تن همکارانش

یک رهبر شبکه تروریستی گروه طالبان با هفت تن ازشرکای جرمی اش بازداشت گردید .

محمد طالب فرزند شهاب الدین به اسم مستعار جماالدین باشنده  قریه زندان ولسوالی خاکجبار ولایت کابل که رهبری   شبکه تروریستی گروه طالبان را در شهر کابل بعهده داشت هفته قبل  هنگامیکه  میخواست هشت  فیرراکت نوع میزاییل را از قریه فوق به منزل طوطی شاه  یکتن از همکارانش واقع قریه کمری ولسوالی بگرامی انتقال دهد  با هفت تن دیگر از سوی موظفین امنیت ملی در کابل  باز داشت شدند.


سعید انصاری سخنگوی ریاست عمومی امنیت ملی امروز طی   نشست خبری در مقر آن ریاست به خبرنگاران گفت:

 "    محمد طالب نام   در دوران جهاد عضویت حزب اسلامی حکمتیار را داشت و در زمان حاکمیت  طا لبان سرپرستی گروه از تروریستان را در شهر کابل و همچنان  به حیث معاون  ولسوالی بگرامی موظف بوده که بعدا  به صفت مدیر تحقیق ریاست 11 استخبارات  نیزاجرای وظیفه نموده است .


انصاری می افزایدکه متهم در جریان تحقیقات خویش به انجام حملات ؛ پرتاب راکت های میزاییل بالای جریان برگزاری جرگه امن منطقوی  ،سازماندهی ماین های ریموت کنترول در ساحه سنگ نوشته بالای کاروان نیروهای ایساف ،سازماندهی انفجارات در ساحه گمرک وپلچرخی بالای موتر حامل نیروهای ایساف و سازماندهی حملات  انتحاری توسط عبدالقدوس باشنده کمری وفرمان الله تبعه پاکستانی بر علیه گل آغا شیرزی والی ولایت ننگرهار که قبل از انجام عمل تروریستی دستگیر شدند. اعتراف نموده است .

انصاری همچنان میگوید که نجیب الله  ،عبدالستار وعظیم الله فرزندان عبدالستارباشندگان  ولسوالی کمری،محمد خان فرزند حکم خان باشنده قریه زندان ولسوالی خاک جبار،شیرالله فرزند محمد کاظم باشنده قریه خواجه چاشت وسیف الله فرزند حبیب الله باشنده کمری هفت تن از همکاران  محمد طالب میباشند که  از سوی موظفین ریاست عمومی امنیت ملی دستگیرشدند.


وی در اخیر گفت که محمد طالب بخاطر انجام هر عمل تروریستی از  سراج الدین که مسوولیت دفتر " 442 ام آی "قشله نظامی کرب ایجنسی در پاکستان به عهده داشت     مبلغ 300 هزار کلدار پاکستانی دریافت  میکرد.


محمد طالب فرزند شهاب الدین:  فرمانده گروه از تروریستان در شهر کابل