Afghan police have found the beheaded bodies of two Afghan civilians in Ghazni province, southwest of the capital
Taliban insurgents have beheaded dozens of people in
"We were informed by local residents that the bodies of a man and a woman were found beheaded in the Rashidan district," said Ghazni police chief Ali Shah Ahmadzai. "The Taliban kidnapped them from the same district three days ago. "The Taliban insurgents accused them of spying and providing information about the Taliban to foreign and Afghan forces in the area," he told Reuters.
But a Taliban spokesman denied any involvement in the killing and said it might have been the result of tribal enmity.
"It must have been the work of the Taliban militants," said Ahmadzai. "The Taliban kill people by beheading, no one else."
So far this year, Afghan authorities have found about 15 beheaded bodies of Afghans in Ghazni province.
Further south, a Dutch soldier was killed by a bomb in the province of Uruzgan, the Dutch military said on Saturday.
Sunday, November 04, 2007
Taliban behead Afghan man and woman, police say
Saturday, November 03, 2007
عساکرآلماني په جنوب افغانستان ارسال نمي شود
آنگلا مرکل صدرعظم کشورآلمان که دریک سفر غیر منتظره وارد کابل پایتخت افغانستان شده است امروزصبح طی کنفرانس مشترک مطبوعاتی با حامد کرزی رییس جمهورکشور گفت: این کشور با کمال میل جهت بازسازی برای دولت افغانستان کمک می کند.
میرکل ازملاقات رییس جمهور کرزی اظهارخوشی نموده اضافه کرد که محور این ملاقات آموزش پولیس وتجهیزآنها بود.
به گفته صدرعظم آلمان عساکر آلمانی که درشمال افغانستان درچوکات نیروهای ناتو مصروف فعالیت های نظامی می باشند برای مدت باقی خواهند ماند وبه جنوب افغانستان اعزام نمی شوند، وصرف ازلحاظ تجهيزات به نیروهای که مصروف جنگ با شورشیان طالب هستند آنها را کمک می کند.
این اولین سفر خانم مرکل به افغانستان مى باشد. خانم مرکل دراین نشست خبری افزود: دولت آلمان مصمم است، دولت افغانستان را دربخش های اقتصادی، باسازی و بخصوص درعرصه خود کفایی وبهترشدن وضیعت زندگی زنان افغان کمک نماید
به گفته وی المان در شش سال اخیر مبلغ 850 میلیون دالر را دربازسازی افغانستان به مصرف رسانیده تا سال 2010 این رقم به یک میلیارد دالر خواهد رسید.
صدراعظم آلمان همچنین با سربازان آلمانی حاضر در افغانستان دیدار می کند.
سربازان آلمانی همراه با نیروهای بین المللی در شمال افغانستان حضور دارند. تعداد این سربازان به سه هزار و پانصد نفر می رسد که مسئوولیت آنها تامین امنیت برای طرح های بازسازی افغانستان می باشد.
منطقه شمال افغانس�
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
why i don't see future for afghanistan?
Private contractors are running
I see this as a big phenomena, I am surprised that non-profit community didn’t predict this. I haven’t seen a single study on this, I remember meeting all these NGO managers in conferences and they were talking about what ways to increase efficiency and, But nobody saw contractors coming in and an organizational strategy to deal with it.
Well, I think this is typical to organizations, they are so trapped with competition and routines that they can’t see the horizon, or they have one lens on when they are scanning the environment. my favorite is the competition between Kodak and
Or another one of my favorite is,
NGOs perception of the three issues affected their strategy 1) the problems of NGO security, 2) concerns about the militarization of aid, and 3) the public scapegoating of NGOs for the failures of the overall aid effort.
Security of staff is the number one issue for all NGOs working in
Popular anger, at the overall slow pace of the reconstruction effort so far and the lifestyle and behavior of some foreigners, has unfairly blamed the NGO sector. Afghans believe little has been done to date, despite the billions of dollars of international funds pledged. Because they work directly with communities, NGOs have become the most highly visible symbols of the international aid effort. Many in the aid community understand the resentment. While the distinction between international NGO staff, foreign contractors working for government donors and foreign private security companies seems straightforward to those in the aid business, for much of the Afghan public, there seems little difference between these groups.
NGOs have lost the fight for humanitarian space for businesses, private contractor are also facing the same problem NGOs did. Contractors might be able to deal with the situation NGOs are facing but in no way they are improving the situation, as a matter of fact the situation is getting worst since contractor take over. The ghetto lifestyle of hundred foreign workers has created further public anger. Contractors are implementing projects ranging from health to handcraft, areas they have to competences. Day by day people see less and less result for the amount of money spent and cynicism is growing. What is actually destroying my morning is people who work for contractors. They are only there for money, stealing from the 7th poorest country in the world.
Thursday, October 18, 2007
جنگجويان طالب بالاي يك پوسته امنيتي بندرتورغندي هرات شب پنجشنبه حمله نموده كه تلفاتي را درپي نداشته است .
بندرتورغندي هرات كه در120 كيلومتري شمال شهرهرات ومرز مواصلاتي هرات وتركمنستان ميباشد واقع شده است .
اين حمله درمسيرشاهراه هرات تورغندي بالاي يك پوسته امنيتي صورت گرفته كه تلفات جاني براي پوليس وارد نگرديده است اما با مشاهده شدن اثارخون گمان ميرود طالبان تلفات جاني داشته باشند.
اما قاري يوسف كه خودش را سخنگوي طالبان ميداند درتماس تلفوني به رسانه هاادعانموده است، درنتيجه حمله شان بالاي پوسته امنيتي درمسيرشاهراه هرات تورغندي سه تن ازپوليس را بقتل رسانده ويك تن ديگررا نيز باخود به اسارت برده اند .
اين درحالي است كه امنيت داخلي شهرهرات شديدا ازسوي مقامات امنيتي وپي ارتي تامين بوده وهيچ گونه نا امني درحومه اين شهربچشم نميخورد وهم اكنون اجلاس سازمان اقتصادي اكو وارد روز دومش شده كه قراراست روزجمعه وزراي خارجه ده كشورعضوسازمان متذكره روزجمعه 27 ميزان وارد اين شهرشده وحامد كرزي رئيس جمهوري كشوردرجلسه روزشنبه نيزحضورداشته باشد.