Thursday, March 20, 2008

Nato launches Psy Ops to distract the hostile Afghans

Nato and its member states have faced increasing public criticism in Afghanistan. Mass protest was lounged against Denmark, Holland and other western countries for printing Mohammad Cartoons; voices of concern were also heard among political circles against the appointment of Lord Ashton as UN representative to Afghanistan. Public protests in Afghanistan against western countries would negatively affect NATO presence. Nato, appears, to have learned from the culture of protest and can turn it around to its own benefit.

A credible source within Polish Contingent of NATO, which preferred to remain unanimous, has confirmed that the PsyOps Unit of Polish contingent based in Gardez and Sharana was involved in an operation resulting in a mass protest on Monday. PsyOps stands for Psychological Operation and is the military version of Public Relation. The protest took place after a Polish Newspaper Gazeta Wyborcza wrote an article about possible Russian contribution to Nato operation in Afghanistan. the article was translated into Farsi and Pashtu by Polish PsyOps unit and circulated among Gardez citizens. Azizuddin an employee of Gardez Information and Culture Department said to a local journalist that copies were delivered to the State Radio and TV station in Gardez too. The demonstration was staged in the southeastern Paktia province against a Russian plan to contribute peacekeepers to International Security Force. Attended by hundreds of Gardez, Paktia provincial capital, residents. Provincial Ulema Council head Maulvi Khaleq-Dad told Pajhwok News Agency that “deployment of Russian forces will amount to aggression against our motherland; we are staunchly averse to that proposal.” A declaration issued at the conclusion of the protest denounced the proposed deployment of Russian troops to Afghanistan as an act of aggression that would be stoutly resisted. This is the first cleric gathering in Afghanistan in the last few months not to protest against the Nato member states or the Cartoon publishing. The clergy managed to rally thousand of Afghans in the cities of Mazar, Kabul, Hirat, Nangarhar and Kandahar to protest against cartoon reprint. Political analysts have pointed out that the aim was to distract public, or specifically the Mullah and clergy, attention from Holland and Denmark for the reprint of controversial cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad and the forthcoming film.

Gazetta Wyborcza’s story had no mention of the Russian side amid the statements made by the first deputy press secretary of the Russian president, Dmitry Peskov, defying rumours of Russia sending troops to the Afghanistan. NATO has a well funded PsyOps unit in Afghanistan to influence public opinion or to persuade them to act in certain ways. For this reason the Afghan operation is most popularly dubbed “Winning Hearts and Minds”. Although the name psychological operation is associated with guerilla warfare, rebellion and subversion Nato has made no effort to camouflage it. to give an example of the scale of NATO propaganda; in 2007 an Afghan marketing agency, alone was contracted for six million dollars by the International Forces to set up hundreds of NATO friendly billboards. The techniques used to influence the public attitude and opinion so far has been the use of positive messages and promises for a better future through the use of newspapers, radio and television. Nato PsyOps is not subject to Afghan media law and legislation, based on the agreement signed by the afghan government and UN in Bonn in 2001. Afghanistan provides unregulated media access, radio and TV frequency for Nato.

In spite all Nato investment the propaganda so far hasn’t been a very successful operation partly because Nato hasn’t yet built a good knowledge of Afghan psychology. The message Nato was trying to put through was to promote women’s’ rights, peace, anti-Talibanism and disarmament; those messages didn’t get through very well. This is the first time that Nato has manipulated a rally through operatives and propaganda. It is quite easy to manipulate the mass organised around the clergy, Afghan warlords and tribal leaders have managed to do this with a very low budget. Clergy rallies are organised around sensationalism, the hot temper of participants are used to intimidate opponents and gather commitment from participants. Afghan Rallies are effective to use if the Psychology is understood. Rallies are organised around trusted authorities or clergy. The participants have little knowledge of the protest and are mostly uneducated, therefore they accept information uncritically. Information is wrapped in Islamic concepts to make it believable for participants. Most often participants do not understand their own motivations or reasons for their presence.

Its hard to understand the purpose of the newspaper for running the story other than lack of facts. But the subsequent circulation is intended to stimulate anger among a fanatic group by reminding of an external threat in order to provide a reasonable justification for NATO's military presence in Afghanistan.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

islam is looking backward

The taboos in Saudi Arabia are different from the taboos in Lebanon, and from the taboos in Egypt and afghanistan, and so on. they tend to view the taboo itself as fundamental. This was not the case in the past. Islam have reached the point where everything is ruled by prohibitions. Everything is prohibited unless it is proven to be permitted. This is the problem of muslim society and culture. Instead of making progress, we are regressing and if only we were regressing in a reasonable manner. Unfortunately, we are regressing in a superstitious and unreasonable manner.

Muslim societies were more open, more accepting of other opinions and different behavior. But the so-called 'religious awakening' – it is a religious 'slumber,' not as an awakening The Prevalent Culture Is Backward, Yet The Political Regime Uses This Culture To Glorify Itself, Without Realizing That It Is Destroying The Future

The question is why this ideology has spread. this is a kind of psychological mechanism. With all the defeats and disappointments of the muslims. If you examine the history of the muslims in the 20th century, you will see one defeat after another, one disappointment after another. The future has become uncertain and dark, rather than enlightened.

the political regime is to be blamed and the prevalent culture. It is a mixture of many things. Another example is when intellectuals turn everything into ideology, riding a wave of populism and flirting with the peoples, instead of enlightening them. They flirt with the peoples and follow them, rather than leading them. The prevalent culture is stagnant. It does not recognize the 'other,' and does not want to recognize that it is one of many cultures in the world. It considers itself to be the 'number one' culture – the world itself.

From the early 20th century to this day, we constantly hear in the muslim world: We should adopt the good things from the West and ignore the bad. You cannot do such a thing. When you consider the products of modern civilization – the car, the computer, and so on – these are all products of a certain philosophy, a certain way of thinking. If you adopt the product, but ignore the producer – you have a problem. You cannot do such a thing. For us the product is new, but the thought is not. We move forward with our eyes looking backward.

Saturday, March 08, 2008

ختم دوره آموزشی غرض تولید فلم های مستند

مرکز فرهنگی آلمان(گویته انستیوت ) جهت رشد تولید فلم های مستند افغانی   برنامه آموزشی   سه ماهه را درکشور راه اندازی نموده بودکه هفته گذشته به پایان رسید .

در این برنامه 5 فلم مستند 20-15 دقیقه یی در زمینه وضعیت زنده گی کودکان افغان آماده شده است که بیشتر سناریو آن روی شرایط زنده گی اطفال افغان میچرخد .

گفته میشود که  هزینه مالی این برنامه از سوی مر اکز فرهنگی کشورهای فرانسه وآلمان  پرداخته شده است .

هم چنان سال گذشته گویته انستیوت ده فلم مستند را آماده نموده بود که در فیستیوال های  بین المللی نیز  نامزد شد . مرکز فرهنگی المان در بخش های دیگر نیز فعالیت ها یی داشته است. به گفته مسولین این مرکز،    برای آگاهی از خطر ماین  چندین نمایشگاه عکاسی  نیز در کابل از سوی   مرکزنامبرده راه اندازی شده است  .


Friday, March 07, 2008

سرباز اردو محکوم به اعدام شد

یک تن از خورد ضابطان قول اردوی 207 ظفر ولایت هرات، شام روز پنجشنبه در یک محکمه علنی به اعدام محکوم شد.این خورد ضابط در ماه سرطان سال جاری چهارتن از منسوبان اردوی ملی و یک تن از سربازان قوت های ایتلاف را به قتل رسانده و 7 تن دیگر از همقطارانش را نیز مجروح نموده بود.

جلندر شاه بهنام قوماندان قول اردوی 207 ظفر هرات می گوید که این سرباز به اساس حکم فقره های 5 و 6 ماده 395 قانون جزای کشور، از سوی هیات قضاییه ریاست محکمه ابتدایی عسکری قول اردوی 207 ظفر، به اعدام محکوم شده است.

صفوف اردوی ملی مملو از جنگجویان جنگ های تنظیمی میباشد، این اشخاص بنابر نداشتن تجربه و اخلاق اجتماعی نتوانسته اند به شغلی دیگر بپیوندند و دوباره به یک دستگاه جنگی پیوسته اند. بعضی از جنگجویان تنضیمی و جانیان جنگی های داخلی نتوانستند از عهده تعلیمات نظامی، که برا اساس نظم و دسپلین نظامی بنا گشته، برایند و ارتش را قبل از اختطام تعلیمات ترک گفتند. بنابر همین دلیل است که حدود 40 فیصد از سربازان قبل از اختطام آموزش های نظامی ارتش را ترک میکنند. اما گروه از ایشان در ارتش موجود اند و دست به جنایت میزنند. چند قبل نیز دو سرباز این قول اردو در حالی محکوم به اعدام شده بودند که در ولایت غور هنگام اجرای وظیفه از مردم به زور پول اخذ نموده و دو تن را به قتل رسانده بودند.