Saturday, November 19, 2005

from one of the lectures - interesting

Decisions (i.e. foreign policy) are made by people, as individuals and institutions; individual decision makers are wrapped up in several layers. Domestic and transnational. These layers are mingled and there are connections among them. these impinges directly the ablity of decision maker under both conditions of certainty and likelihood.

Decision-making: is the process of evaluating and choosing among eclectic alternatives course of action (or inaction).

In a decision willingness and opportunity are driving factors.

There could be several different causal reasons for a given decision: we wear jeans because everybody else does, we wear it because it looks good, we wear it because it’s cheap and durable, we wear it because we hate skirts, we wear …… no matter what a decision has been made.

In political decisions (and any decision) it’s important to know what are the willingness’s as oppose to opportunities.

Some people stresses that a good decision is not good or bad but it’s the rational one. Rational decision is to maximize benefit relative to the cost. This means gathering a lot of information and calculate cost against benefit, after identifying all of the options. So rationality is purposive and than posses; humanistic and organizational capabilities imposes a limit on rational behavior.

The neo-liberal prospect is that rationalism spoils values. (not quite sure how to explain it, but will do some studies)

What is outlined above is bollocks and can’t happen in the real world. Great deal of research has been done in this regard, one could do it’s own if not sure about it.

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