Monday, January 05, 2009

The problem of Palestinian is, they fail both in making peace and war

It is up to Palestinians to raise their voice against the tyranny of hamas. I have not heard a single voice from among Palestinians to condemn hamas rocket slinging. It has been over eight years that they continue to violet the cease fire treaty signed with Israel. What does hamas want war or peace? If peace then the world has facilitated for that to happen; war is an option too. Israel doesn’t seem to hesitate to bring it to them. I went to the friday protest in Kabul to see what they wanted; it bugged me to see muslims whinging and pitying Palestinians.

‘down with Israel’

‘Allah give us another Hitler to annihilate the rest of the jews’

‘we will fight to the last blood drop against the jews’

Were some of the slogans the crowd was chanting angrily.

In politics, one does not reject the offer of one's rival at once, in a fit of anger. One must thoroughly study the alternatives to the proposal rejected. Does the Palestinian side have viable alternatives that it has not revealed?... If the alternative is a bi-national state (as apparently proposed Sari Nusseibeh, who now seems to regret his previous moderateness), or the intifada of the Al-Qassam Brigades and Al-Aqsa Brigades, (an option which has been tried without success) – then it is nothing but the last piece of evidence that the Palestinian leaders... have not learned a thing from their past mistakes.

This must be done in order to avert a disastrous and final division of Palestine – with the West Bank given to Jordan and Gaza to Hamas or to Egypt – which will consign the name of Palestine to the annals of history. This disaster is not inconceivable, but is in fact rather likely. A solution to the Palestinian problem is crucial for the stability of the Middle East… just as the oil and the petrodollars are crucial for the recovery of world economy, which is in crisis. International diplomacy will not wait around until some of the Palestinian leaders recover from their rejectionism.

The first step in recovering from rejectionism is applying self-criticism: admitting that many Palestinians, Arabs and Muslims are their own worst enemies, and that they are the ones who bring disasters upon themselves – not the Zionists, Imperialists, Free Masons, Communists, or else globalization or the New World Order – as claimed by the discourse that presents the Arabs as victims and drives them back to the stage of childish whining and pitiness. The inability of the Palestinian leaders so far to agree on a national dialogue plan for conciliation between Hamas and Fatah is the main reason why they have failed to implement their national goals. The history of the 20th century teaches us that no national liberation movement achieved victory while its people were fighting one another. The Zionist movement, for example, consisted of various political factions, but its armed forces were united, and there was one source of political authority, and this... is one of the most important secrets of its success.

The Egyptian initiative for Palestinian conciliation, which is supervised by one of Egypt's most prominent minds represent one of the last opportunities to find a solution for Fatah's inability to make peace and Hamas' inability to make war. For the intelligent among the Hamas members, this is undoubtedly a golden opportunity to get past the psychological barrier that has kept them from finally shifting from religion to politics, from adherence to the laws of the shari'a in handling political affairs to a policy of respecting international resolutions, such as the U.N. resolution on the establishment of Israel and the principle of negotiating with Israel towards the establishment of a Palestinian state. Muslims narrow minded and stubborn view of the world through the dogmas of Sharia preoccupies them with the question of justice as oppose to political realities.

Hamas Political Bureau Head Khaled Mash'al did recognize Israel as 'an existing reality,' but in international law, half-recognition is non-recognition. Hamas must recognize Israel legally – a step that requires an official statement recognizing all the official International resolutions that the PLO and PA have recognized. In Palestinian history, these words will be written in letters of gold in Palestinian history, for they will be the fuel that will move the engine of the becalmed Palestinian-Israeli peace process.

Many Muslims politicians continue to suffer from a closed-minded blindness. Palestinian politicians maintain the pathological aspirations to liberate all of Mandatory Palestine, and the Iranians have a deranged desire for an atomic bomb. the Afghan politicians are a bunch of shitheads who has no rationality and intellectual integrity other than Islam should rule. These politicians do not see the real challenges. But the fact on the ground is that all of them will eventually have to be realistic and accept the need for Arab-Israeli-Turkish-Iranian cooperation that will steer them forwards instead of wasting time, money and blood on the murderous dialectic of war and resistance...


Anonymous said...

I answer some of this here:

Anonymous said...

Great article... but I think you answered your own question in the following words.....

”Allah give us another Hitler to annihilate the rest of the jews’
‘we will fight to the last blood drop against the jews’”

Anonymous said...

Mj Watamama - the UN is nothing but a puppet tool for the US, if the US does not approve of an action the UN is unable to do anything. Look at the Iraq and Afghan war..UN rejected calls for an invasion yet the US look at the Palestine issues UN wants a ceasefire but cant get the US to agree and stop its Zionist Israeli friends...

Anonymous said...

Hitler: I wanted to kill every single jew but I left some behind so the world will see why I wanted to wipe them off the earth

Anonymous said...

What is our crime? That we are Muslims? V are peaceful? Does that really scare U lot? Seriously, that why the west is scared of Us that it wants to get rid of Us, demean Us?
May Allah guide Us all and may he help our brothers and sisters all over the world.